sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Thousands march for sacked Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Thousands of people massed in Bogota's main square on Friday evening to support Bogota's leftist mayor, whose dismissal is considered by some Colombians to be a potential blow against attempts to make peace with the country's main leftist rebel group.

"Here we will define whether peace is possible or not, whether democracy is possible or not", Mr Petro told supporters on the square.
According to bogotahumana the following are some of the achievements of Petro as Mayor of Bogota:
* The live protection. The number of homicides decreased by 22.6 % from 1654 in 2011 to 1281 homicides in 2012
*The animal protection. Petro measures implemented as collection of 2,890 draft horses and cargo for delivery to the universities and of those, 1,820 were given for adoption to families with the ability to care. Petro supported the passage of the law that banned the use of animals in circuses.
* The water protection. The minimum living water of 6 cubic meters per month for the poorest households (stratum 1 and 2 ) benefiting about 668,397 subscribers Water Company was guaranteed. This has generated savings of approximately Col$ (pesos) 4,231 per month for 108,280 subscribers in stratum 1 and Col $ 8,463 monthly for 560 117 subscribers of stratum 2. In Bogotá the average monthly income stratum 1 is near Col $ 590,000 pesos while stratum 6 is near Col $10,000,000 (pesos).

* The children protection. 118,298 children between 3 and 5 received comprehensive care for early childhood
* The education protection. The implementation of the 40 hour school day was started in 26 schools, benefiting about 16,706 students in 15 locations because they have increasing time of learning opportunities, and better access to cultural, artistical and physical skills.
*Zero Waste. The implementation the new model of waste management to teach city how to recycle and dignifing the work of waste pickers. Petro as Mayor of the city took private execution of garbage collection but this would cost his office charge. 
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