viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

Integrista derechista elimina validez de voto popular en Colombia

Palabras de Gustavo Petro en CNN

Rightwing fundamentalist eliminates popular vote validity of Colombia

 Fundamentalista de direita elimina validez voto popular da Colômbia 

 De droite fondamentaliste supprime la validité de vote populaire de la Colombie 

 В Колумбии, правые фундаменталист исключает справедливость народного голосования 

Rechtsextremismus fundamentalistischen beseitigt Volksabstimmung Gültigkeit von Kolumbien

"Integrista derechista elimina validez de voto popular", dijo el Alcalde Gustavo Petro @petrogustavo en entrevista con CNN en Washington DC, al referirse a la ilegal destitución pretendida por el Procurador Ordoñez. 

Ello implica una violación de la Convención Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y pide salvar la democracia.

El Alcalde solicitó a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos medidas cautelares para la protección de los derechos ciudadanos y del derecho a la paz, consagrados en la Constitución Política de Colombia.

Petro también invitó a los ciudadanos a inscribir la cédula antes del domingo 22 de diciembre para votar en febrero por la continuidad del gobierno de Bogotá Humana.

 Enlace relacionado:

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

The Pardons of the Columbian Procurator

Alejandro Ordoñez tomó posesión del cargo de Procurador ante el presidente Alvaro Uribe en enero de 2009.

 Die Pardons der kolumbianischen Prokurator 
 Les grâces du procurateur colombien 
Juan Pablo Barrientos Hoyos, @ juanpbarrientos, a journalist from the radio program La-Fm, did some research on some strange attitudes of the Colombian Procurator, which was published in

Some Pardons of the Columbian Procurator:
  1. The former senator Alvaro Araújo was sentenced by the Supreme Court to nine years and three months in prison because "it was part of a criminal structure and its links with Jorge 40." According to the 2009 statement from the office of Procurator "no documentary evidence of these alleged illegal connections" and therefore calls his acquittal. In August 2010, absolves disciplinary.
  2. The former senator Ivan Mateus Diaz was sentenced in 2009 to 72 months in prison in the process known as Yidispolítica. That same year, the office of Procurator asked acquit him "after analyzing different answers on the same subject submitted by Yiddish Medina in various statements to the Supreme Court".
  3. In 2010, Colonel Alfonso Plazas Vega was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the disappearance of 11 people during the operation to retake the Palace of Justice in 1985. In September 2009, the office of Procurator "asked the Third Criminal Court of the Specialized Circuit of Bogotá to give judgment of acquittal in favor of the accused, as there is not sufficient evidence to establish the direct responsibility of the retired official with the disappearance of eight people rescued by members of the army who were taken to the house of the vase and whose whereabouts are still unknown". In 2011 and 2012, again, demands that this sentence fall over.
  4. The former senator Mario Uribe (family of former President Uribe) was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison for paramilitary activity in 2011. However, since 2009, the office of Procurator is asking for absolution "should disregard the testimony of Salvatore Mancuso as invalid".
  5. Captured in 2007, the former senator Mauricio Pimiento Barrera was sentenced in 2013 to seven years in prison and payment of minimum wages 2000 for ties to paramilitaries. The Office, meanwhile, believes the former senator is innocent because "it is not clear that there actually sure if he had allied with illegal groups in order to stay in the Congress during the period Constitution from 2002 to 2006".
  6. Captured in 2007, the former senator Mauricio Pimiento Barrera was sentenced in 2013 to seven years in prison and payment of minimum wages 2000 for ties to paramilitaries. Procurator's office on the contrary, believes the former senator is innocent because "it is not clear that there actually sure if he had allied with illegal groups in order to stay in Congress during the constitutional period from 2002 to 2006".
  7. For the crime of forced disappearance during the retaking of the Palace of Justice, was sentenced in 2011 to 35 years General (R) Jesús Armando Arias Cabrales. Procurator's office asked him absolution in 2010 because "it is impossible to ignore that full evidence to conclude with certainty about the linkages of General Arias Cabrales with such disappearances were not provided".
  8. Humberto de Jesus Builes Ortega, former senator of Antioquia, was sentenced to 90 months in prison and payment of minimum wages 2600 for ties to paramilitaries. Procurator's office in 2010, asked his acquittal because "there is no real evidence to prove that former Sen. Correa Builes had committed his election to Congress with the support of armed groups outside the law".
  9. For links to the paramilitaries and criminal conspiracy, was sentenced in 2012 to 90 months in prison former Senator Oscar Josue Reyes. However, since 2010, the Office requested acquittal because it found "that the evidence collected in the investigation, doubt is against the existence of the crime of conspiracy, because no evidence of actions or decisions were found by of the former senator, as a candidate or member of Congress, as a promoter of illegal armed groups".
  10. Last year former senator Javier Cáceres was sentenced  to 9 years in prison due to paramilitary activities in politics. The attorney asked for his acquittal because "there is little evidence linking the former senator with the paramilitaries". Already in 2010 requested the Council of State to maintain the post of senator.
  11. In 2013, the Supreme Court sentenced to 9 years imprisonment to former Senator Fuad Rapag by paramilitary activity in politics. Procurator's office, immediately called for his acquittal discarded because "he had established political agreements with armed groups outside the law".
  12. In the same sentence Rapag, Antioquia exsenador See Oscar Suarez was convicted of paramilitary activity and political. The Procurator, from 2012, called for his acquittal because "credible documentary or testimonial evidence that would allow infer the relationship or nexus of former senator and paramilitary groups were not gathered".
  13. This year Col. Hernán Mejía Gutiérrez was convicted for Paramilitarism and False Positives. The Office of the Prosecutor asked for his acquittal because the colonel always "respected international humanitarian law".
  14. In 2011, Juan Pablo Sanchez, former representative to the House by Caldas, was sentenced to 90 months in prison and a fine of 3,400 million pesos for ties to paramilitaries and aggravated conspiracy. The Procurator asked for the acquittal because it found "no sufficient evidence to support the aid paramilitaries allegedly loaned Sánchez's candidacy".
  15. In 2012 Senator Mario Nader was sentenced to 90 months in prison for ties to paramilitaries. According to the Procurator, "no witnesses or documentary evidence that would allow infer political benefits or ties by the former senator with the Elmer Cardenas Bloc of the AUC were presented." Procurator's office asked for his acquittal.
  16. Although not convicted, the Procurator now called for the immediate release of Luis Alfredo Ramos, former governor of Antioquia, and Oscar Arboleda, Parliamentary Andino. Both marked for alleged links to paramilitaries. Both innocent until a judge of the Republic decides otherwise.
Related link (in Spanish)

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Thousands march for sacked Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Thousands of people massed in Bogota's main square on Friday evening to support Bogota's leftist mayor, whose dismissal is considered by some Colombians to be a potential blow against attempts to make peace with the country's main leftist rebel group.

"Here we will define whether peace is possible or not, whether democracy is possible or not", Mr Petro told supporters on the square.
According to bogotahumana the following are some of the achievements of Petro as Mayor of Bogota:
* The live protection. The number of homicides decreased by 22.6 % from 1654 in 2011 to 1281 homicides in 2012
*The animal protection. Petro measures implemented as collection of 2,890 draft horses and cargo for delivery to the universities and of those, 1,820 were given for adoption to families with the ability to care. Petro supported the passage of the law that banned the use of animals in circuses.
* The water protection. The minimum living water of 6 cubic meters per month for the poorest households (stratum 1 and 2 ) benefiting about 668,397 subscribers Water Company was guaranteed. This has generated savings of approximately Col$ (pesos) 4,231 per month for 108,280 subscribers in stratum 1 and Col $ 8,463 monthly for 560 117 subscribers of stratum 2. In Bogotá the average monthly income stratum 1 is near Col $ 590,000 pesos while stratum 6 is near Col $10,000,000 (pesos).

* The children protection. 118,298 children between 3 and 5 received comprehensive care for early childhood
* The education protection. The implementation of the 40 hour school day was started in 26 schools, benefiting about 16,706 students in 15 locations because they have increasing time of learning opportunities, and better access to cultural, artistical and physical skills.
*Zero Waste. The implementation the new model of waste management to teach city how to recycle and dignifing the work of waste pickers. Petro as Mayor of the city took private execution of garbage collection but this would cost his office charge. 
Related links:

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013

Revelan complot para destituir al Alcalde Petro y subir a ex vice de Uribe

Canal Capital denuncia que destitución de Gustavo Petro es un complot de expresidente  Uribe, exvicepresidente Santos y Procurador Ordoñez.

Descargelo de You Tube antes de que lo censuren:

Canal Capital claims that dismissal of Gustavo Petro is a plot by former President Uribe, former vice president Santos and Attorney Ordoñez.

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Tributo a Nelson Mandela

"Necesitamos situar la erradicación de la pobreza en el primer lugar de las prioridades mundiales. Hemos de tener claro que todos compartimos una humanidad común y que nuestra diversidad en todo el mundo es la mayor fortaleza de nuestro futuro conjunto"
Nelson Mandela      
Foto: AP



viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

La página web de la Corte Constitucional publica orden del día de caso Telecom

The website of the Constitutional Court of Colombia carries out the TELECOM case records.
El Grupo Hormiguitas2003 informa a los ex trabajadores de Telecom, de las Teleasociadas y Pensionados que a partir de ahora cualquier cualquier consulta u observación al desarrollo del expediente 2451880 se debe hacer visitando directamente en la página web la CORTE CONSTITUCIONAL DE COLOMBIA. 

Se ha incluido un link (enlace) en este portal de HORMIGUITAS2003, para acceder a la información de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia.

Esto debido a que desde el 18 de noviembre del 2013,  dicha corporación no volvió a utilizar el libro de registro en el caso del expediente 2451880 y acumuladas.  

El Grupo Hormiguitas envía un cordial saludo y UN ABRAZO FRATERNAL a todos los ex trabajadores de TELECOM y de las Teleasociadas con motivo de la navidad 2013 y el año nuevo 2014.

The Colombian Constitutional Court are publishing abstracts of the most important decisions in this link:

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Magistrados convocados a pronunciarse sobre ex trabajadores de Telecom

Judges called to rule on TELECOM former employees.

 Richter aufgerufen, über TELECOM ehemalige Mitarbeiter Regel 

Bogotá D.C., veintiocho (28) de noviembre de dos mil trece (2013). Los Magistrados de la Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia fueron convocados por su Presidente para sesionar en el recinto de la Sala Plena de la Corte Constitucional, a partir del martes tres (3) de diciembre y hasta el jueves cinco (5) de diciembre para considerar varios temas entre los cuales  figura, en el punto 23, las "Acciones de tutela instauradas por ex trabajadores de la empresa TELECOM contra el P.A.R. Telecom" dentro del Expediente T 2451880 Acumulado.

Para consultar el  orden del día de la Sala Plana  de la Corte  Constitucional, diríjase al link:

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

EL TIEMPO ataca y rectifica a jueces que fallaron a favor de trabajadores de TELECOM

Newspaper "El Tiempo" correcting information after attacking judge who ruled in favor of workers TELECOM.

El 06 de Febrero del 2012 (9:16 p.m.), la REDACCIÓN EL TIEMPO publicó un extraño escrito titulado  “Investigan a 17 jueces por conceder tutelas irregulares contra Telecom” y al final del escrito se lee: “EL TIEMPO rectifica tal información. En este orden de ideas, Marta Elvira Soto Franco y Orlando León Restrepo Escobar, editora y subeditor de la Unidad Investigativa de EL TIEMPO, respectivamente, rectifican la información original del artículo relacionada con el juez Ramos Navarro y aclaran que este no ha proferido fallos en contra de la entidad mencionada”.
“Tal información” rectificada por el tiempo hace referencia a otra pretendida noticia: “El 4 de diciembre del 2009, en el artículo titulado 'Desfalco con tutelas a Telecom ya asciende a 120 mil millones de pesos y va en aumento' relacionado con los fallos de tutela que han emitido varios jueces a favor de ex trabajadores de la entidad y en contra de la liquidada Telecom, se dijo que EL TIEMPO llamó al juez primero promiscuo municipal de Sahagún (Córdoba), Albert Rafael Ramos Navarro, para que explicara sus fallos en contra de Telecom.

Sería ético y decente que el equipo de redacción de EL TIEMPO se tomara el tiempo necesario para leer los cerca de quinientos folios radicados en ese periódico por los voceros de Hormiguitas2003, con toda la base documental legal que ampara los derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores de TELECOM; irregularmente despedidos en el año 2003. Acción que dejó un importante número de familias afectadas en sus derechos humanos y los cuales están bajo la observación de diversos organismos internacionales y gobiernos extranjeros, incluidas las comisiones de seguimiento del Free Trade Agreement (TLC) de los Estados Unidos con Colombia.

Enlaces relacionados:

Tom Lantos Human Rights Comission United States Congress
Tom Lantos Human Rights Comission United States Congress

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Contaminan el mar pero nadie sale responsable

Petrolero provocó catastrofe ambiental en el 2002.

They pollute the sea, but nobody gets out responsible

  Eles poluem o mar, mas ninguém sai responsável  

A Coruña, 13 nov (EFE).- El presidente del tribunal que realizó el juicio por la catástrofe medioambiental provocada por el hundimiento del petrolero 'Prestige' en noviembre de 2002 frente al litoral gallego, Juan Luis Pía, afirmó durante la lectura de la sentencia que no existe responsabilidad penal y que el accidente se produjo por un fallo estructural cuyo origen "nadie puede precisar". Enlace:

El 19 de noviembre de 2002, tras seis días a las deriva frente a Fisterra (A Coruña) - costa norte de España- el 'Prestige', un barco petrolero al parecer con defectos de fabricación y pobre mantenimiento que operaba bajo bandera de Bahamas, se partió en dos y se hundió provocando un inmenso vertido de combustible que contaminó las costas de Galicia y afectó a más de 1.700 kilómetros de litoral, desde Portugal hasta Francia.

La comunidad internacional se encuentra indignada por la inchorente acción de la justicia en la protección de los derechos fundamentales al medio ambiente.